“Telares de la Memoria”: A Dynamic Hypermedia Device for governance from the appropiation of cultural heritage

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This paper aims at communicating significant aspects of perspectives, actions and technological developments over the years, which have built the uniqueness of the current proposal now appears as a first prototype. The project implemented in the village of Wheelwright (Argentina), was aimed at an open and collaborative writing of a complex physical-virtual dynamic object, called Telares de la Memoria, conceived as an emergent learning process towards the production of civitas. The various physical-virtual activities are conducted jointly by an interdisciplinary research group belonging to a national research centre and a significant group of neighbours and local institutions. The prototype presents an original development called "Book of Plural Memory" that makes writing hypermedia about plural memory really easy, capitalizing plural memory benefits of Moodle Glossary Tool. Finally, this prototype clearly shows perspectives on the political potential of Telares de la Memoria. In this sense, the gradual formation of the "Plural Management Council" is seen as an innovative tool for management and local ownership and cross-cutting proposal by members of different organizations / institutions. What has been undertaken as a possible way to innovative physical and virtual practices on governance and asset management is evaluated, giving meaning to the work to link memory with current citizenship practices.



Dynamic Hypermedia Device, Cultural Heritage, Governance, Physical-Virtual Context
