Sociología rural: importancia en los contextos actuales

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Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Los trabajos, realizados en diferentes períodos históricos, marcan las principales formas en que se recorta un universo de estudios que nos plantean temas de cuestiones teóricas y metodológicas. La producción de alimentos, seguridad alimentaria, recursos naturales, producción de energía verde, son temas que ponen en el centro de atención en los actores agrarios con relación a producir sobre recursos naturales. Tema que suscita interrogantes en un mundo globalizado en el que las relaciones sociales de producción, se encuentran entre dinámicas hegemónicas y marginales. La Sociología Rural recobra un protagonismo, a través de estos temas. Protagonismo que parecía relegado por la importancia y el despliegue de la producción industrial.
The internalization period mean for the Pampa Region´s the settlement poblational front the expansion of agriculture process limited by the agrarian structural that determinate the conditions of subject of productions and the possibilities of be producers. The agro export Argentina is divided between the big ranchers, tenants and settlers. The agrarian structure is analyze through the distribution of land are very important by relations to the social subjects in the production agrarian process. This studies from access and distributions of land are constitutive and reflect the increase of studies by Rural Sociology in that time. The Rural Sociology acquire importance front the studies to the industries because put the relevance the agrarian world and the industries world considerer the last the world of the progress. The studies of Rural Sociology in this time show we the rural space different with conflicts about the forms in the organizations of productions and the social subject of agrarian structure of the agro-exporting dynamic decline in the begin of the transnacionalization and new questions are open to the Rural Sociology. The globalization put anew in focus of discussion in the structural conditions and positions of the social actors with relation to the productions for need the natural resources. In this paper are relate to the different time and focus of works of Rural Sociology with emphasis in the Pampas Region.



Sociología Rural, Desarrollo rural, Actores agrarios
