La modalidad pedagógica de Taller físico-virtual en la formación del Ingeniero Mecánico

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This work refers to an institutional experience of postgraduate training under the “PROMEI” project which was addressed to teachers of the School of Mechanics of the FCEIA-UNR (Argentina). The overall objective was focused on awareness, exploration, handling and assessment of the possibilities offered by the DHD_ Hypermedia Dynamic Devices, in the development of teaching strategies that may allow to deal with problems within the Mechanical Engineering professional field through the designed methodology, in order to conceptualize and implement the developed theoretical and methodological framework in the creation of a skills curriculum. DHD is a social net provided by the ITC in a new both physical and virtual context where the participants investigate, teach, learn, evaluate, exchange ideas and are involved in an interactive responsible process of learning objects transformation regulated, as the case may be, by a coordination of contracts adapted to the specific participative modality of each Workshop.



Dispositivos Hipermediales Dinámicos, Taller físico-virtual, Formación del Ingeniero Mecánico
