Multietnicidad y diversidad cultural en Teotihuacan, Centro de México

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Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Centro de Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural



En este trabajo expondremos un caso de sociedad multiétnica y corporativa excepcional: Teotihuacan, en el centro de México, durante el periodo Clásico (200-550 d.C.). Albergó una de las sociedades urbanas más heterogéneas del mundo antiguo, con migrantes de Oaxaca, Michoacán y Veracruz en la periferia de la ciudad; en contraposición, en el núcleo urbano pudieron haber existido unos 22 barrios (algunos multiétnicos) posiblemente organizados en cuatro distritos. El estudio interdisciplinario de Linda R. Manzanilla en el centro de barrio multiétnico de Teopancazco en el sector sureste de la ciudad permitió distinguir a artesanos migrantes multiespecializados de diversas procedencias. Por medio de estudios antropofísicos, isotópicos y genéticos se determinó que la población de este centro de barrio era muy heterogénea: procedían de la cuenca de México, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Veracruz y posiblemente Chiapas. En Teopancazco coexistieron prácticas funerarias teotihuacanas con otras de Veracruz, así como objetos, materias primas y bienes suntuarios alóctonos. Asimismo se replicaron objetos de Veracruz para reforzar el vínculo con el océano, que es patente en el mural famoso hallado en el siglo XIX.
In this article, an exceptional multiethnic and corporate society will be described: the metropolis of Teotihuacan in Central Mexico, during the Classic period (AD 200-550). This settlement housed one of the most heterogeneous societies of ancient times, with foreign neighborhoods of migrants from Oaxaca, Michoacán, and Veracruz in the periphery of the site; ca. 22 neighborhoods with their coordination centers may have been set in the urban core, many of which were multiethnic. There may have been a four-district division in this settlement. The interdisciplinary project headed by Linda R. Manzanilla in the multiethnic neighborhood center of Teopancazco, in the southeastern sector, will serve as an example of multiethnic ‘house’ organizations, which fostered multispecialized migrant craftsmen devoted to the confection of garments and headdresses for the intermediate elite. Through osteological, isotopic, trace element, genetic, and forensic analyses, this diverse population was characterized; the origins of the craftsmen were defined in the Basin of Mexico, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Veracruz, and possibly Chiapas. At Teopancazco, local and foreign funerary practices were defined, as well as allochthonous objects and raw materials. The symbolic relation to the ocean is stressed not only by the famous mural painting found at the site, where two priests dressed with attires showing marine shells and stars, walk towards the altar with a net, but also by the replication of lacquered pottery from Veracruz with local clays.


Teotihuacan, Teopancazco, Multiétnico, Teotihuacan, Teopancazco, Multiethnic
