Hacia un modelo integral en gestión pública de infraestructuras y obras. La experiencia de Santa Fe


En el presente trabajo se indaga sobre el modelo de gestión de obras de infraestructura pública implementado en la provincia de Santa Fe. El período temporal comprendido se extiende entre enero 2016 - junio 2019, constituyendo el estado del arte, en base a una investigación anterior ya publicado sobre el modelo tradicional de la temática. Con tal objetivo se considera la creación del Ministerio de Infraestructura y Transporte en el marco de la Ley de Ministerios de la Provincia homónima a finales del año 2015, que contempla la implementación de una unidad organizacional y persigue la función de estudiar, proyectar, construir, reparar, ampliar como mantener la infraestructura provincial, promoviendo su integración territorial. Se evalúan normas legales, institucionales y de gestión diseñada e instrumentada en el período subexámine y su contribución a los objetivos planteados.
In this paper will try to search the model of integral management of public works and infrastructure implemented in the province of Santa Fe, specifically, legal and institutional norms will be evaluated as processes designed to implement the operating mechanism of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation. The time period understood is between January 2016 - June 2019, constituting the state of the art, based on previous research already published on the traditional model of the subject. With this objective the creation of the Law of Ministries of the Province of the same name at the end of 2015 is considered, which contemplated the implementation of an organizational unit and pursued several goals such as study, project, build, repair and expand, how to maintain the provincial infrastructure, promoting its territorial integration. At the end, an annex will be incorporated as complementary documentation, which will content the universe of tenders for works carried out in the ministry under the study period. It reflects, in a way, the results achieved as a consequence of the implementation of the legal, institutional and management reforms presented. It will be concluded by identifying advances and pending issues to consider in order to achieve a model that meets the character of integral, transcends time and allows a complete traceability of the provincial public works and infrastructure to be made visible.



Ley de Ministerios Provincia de Santa Fe, Ley obras públicas, Concesión Obras Públicas, Innovación y Eficiencia, Gestión Publico privada, Infraestructura Pública, Public Works law
