Consejo de Investigaciones CIUNR
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Ćtem Acceso Abierto Lovastatin enhances in vitro radiation-induced apoptosis of rat B-cell lymphoma cells(BioMed Central; "Regina Elena" National Cancer Institute, Italy, 1905-06-27) Rozados, Viviana R.; Hinrichsen, Lucila Isabel; McDonnel, JosĆ©; Scharovsky, O. GracielaOur previous demonstration of an antimetastatic effect of lovastatin, both in rat sarcoma and lymphoma tumor-models, as well as the fact that lovastatin and radiation are able to stop the cell cycle in different phases, suggested the feasibility of a combined treatment. We studied the effect of the in vitro combined treatment of a B-cell rat lymphoma (L-TACB) with lovastatin and irradiation. The results herein obtained provide new information about the role of statins as radiosensitizers. The antitumor effect of the combined treatment was higher than that elicited by either treatment alone. This effect could be a consequence, at least in part, of an enhanced apoptosis.Ćtem Acceso Abierto The mathematical modelling of flood propagation for the delineation of flood risk zones(IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX 10 8BB, UK, 1997) Riccardi, Gerardo A.River flood valleys are being subjected to the impact of urbanization in large cities throughout the world. Therefore, urban planning strategies based on water resources management must be established to avoid adverse environmental impacts. This paper describes a two-dimensional mathematical model for the determination of flood risk maps of the Rosario region, Argentina. The mapping was made over the River Luduena flood plain, which embraces an area of 5000 ha, with a population of 300 000. Based on the results, regional governments are developing non-structural planning rules with the associated legislation. In this way, the hydrodynamic mathematical modelling contributes to the planning and control of water resources for a sustainable development.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Zonification of areas with inundation risk by means of mathematical modelling in the Rosario region, Argentina(IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX 10 8BB, UK, 1997) Riccardi, Gerardo A.; Zimmermann, Erik D.; Navarro, Raul A.River flood valleys are being subjected to urbanization processes in big cities of the world. Therefore, urban planning strategies based on water resources management must be established to avoid environmental deterioration. The mapping of risk zones by means of mathematical modelling is a tool to carry out control policies of land use and occupation. This paper describes a two-dimensional mathematical model and the determination of inundation risk maps for two rivers in the Rosario region of Argentina. The mapping was made over both Saladillo and Luduefia rivers, for floods of return periods of 50, 100 and 500 years. The studied zones embraced an area of 7000 ha, with a population of 500 000 inhabitants. Based on the results, state and local governments are planning non-structural rules with the associated legislation. The paper concludes that it is important to use flow simulation models for urban planning strategies and water resources management.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Mathematical Modelling of Flood Propagation for the Delimitation of Rural, Semiurbanized and Urbanized zones with Inundation Risk(UNESCO, 1997) Riccardi, Gerardo A.; Zimmermann, Erik D.A mathematical model of subcritical flow simulation is described in this paper. It's capable for flood propagation in water courses with flood plains partial or totally obstructed. Also it permits the simulation in semiurbanized and urbanized zones , modelling the flow through the ground surface (major system) and through conduit networks (minor system). The model was calibrated by simulation of several events with recorded information and now this is being applied as a technical tool in the risk zone delimitation of floods with different retum period in the Luduena Stream, water course of the Rosario District. In this work the goveming equations of the model are exposed. Later the numeric formulation, the solution of the equations in kite differences, the boundary and initial conditions, and the computational structure are presented. Then the state of advance of a model application is described. This application consists in the model ling on: 15 km of water course, 1.5 km on big underground conduits, embracing a zone of 40 km2 in the rural and urban zone of the cities of Rosario and Funes. Lastly the conclusions of the work are exposed.Ćtem Acceso Abierto ElaboraciĆ³n de Mapas de Riesgo de InundaciĆ³n por Medio de la ModelaciĆ³n MatemĆ”tica HidrodinĆ”mica(Grupo de MecĆ”nica de los Fluidos - Universidad PolitĆ©cnica de Valencia, 1997-09) Riccardi, Gerardo A.Ćtem Acceso Abierto The Flood Propagation Modelling for the Management of Development on Flood Plains of Rosario region, Rosario(HR Wallingford Limited 1997, 1997-12) Riccardi, Gerardo A.River flood plains are being subjected to intense urbanization processes in big cities of the world. These human actions on the environment have increased the floods besides the urban drainage in a continuously incremented hydro-environmental risk. These problems could have not been solved only with structural works. Therefore, non-structural actions would be established. The mapping of risk zones by means of mathematical modelling is a technical tool to carry out control policies of soil usage and occupation. In this work a two-dimensional mathematical model and the determination of inundation risk map on two flood plains of Rosario region are exposed. The model can simulate both, free surface and close conduits flow over rural and urban zones. The mappings were made for floods of return period of 50, 100 and 500 years. The studied zones embraced a superficial extent of 70 km2, with a population of 50000 inhabitants. Based on the results, state and local governments have planned non-structural rules with the associated legislation for the future urbanization processes. The flood propagation modelling has shown to be a necessary tool for the planning and control of water resources for a sustainable development.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Efectos de agonistas GABaĆ©rgicos y benzodiazepinas sobre la funciĆ³n renal(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias BioquĆmicas y FarmacĆ©uticas, 1998-10-14) Monasterolo, Liliana Alicia; ElĆas, MarĆa MĆ³nica E.La utilidad terapĆ©utica de distintas drogas GABAĆ©rgicas, de las benzodiazepinas clĆ”sicas y de la benzodiazepina antagĆ³nista, flumazenil, se debe a las acciones de estos agentes a nivel del sistema nervioso central . Sin embargo, las evidencias acumuladas en los Ćŗltimos aƱos de la relevancia del sistema GABAĆ©rgico y de los receptores a benzodiazepinas en la periferia han ampliado las perspectivas clĆnicas de estos agentes. El objetivo planteado en el presente trabajo fue caracterizar los efectos de agonistas GABAĆ©rgicos y benzodiazepinas sobre la funciĆ³n renal; y evaluar posibles mecanismos involucrados. Los experimentos se realizaron con ratas Wistar adultas. La funciĆ³n renal se evaluĆ³ mediante tĆ©cnicas de clearance, en el animal intacto sometido a infusiĆ³n continua o en el modelo de riĆ±Ć³n aislado y perfundido. Los parĆ”metros funcionales estudiados en los experimentos in vivo fueron: clearance de PAH, como Ćndice de flujo plasmĆ”tico renal; velocidad de filtraciĆ³n glomerular, estimada a partir del clearance de inulina ā¦Ćtem Acceso Abierto La SimulaciĆ³n de Escurrimiento en Conductos Cerrados mediante un Modelo de Celdas(UNR Editora, 1999-08) Riccardi, Gerardo A.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Los DesagĆ¼es Pluviocloacales en el Radio Antiguo de Rosario y la RenegociaciĆ³n con APSF SA. Parte I: Un anĆ”lisis de la renegociaciĆ³n desarrollada entre 1997 y agosto de 2000. Sus implicancias en el Plan de Obras y tarifarias(UNR Editora, 2000-12) Postiglione, Raul; Riccardi, Gerardo A.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Los DesagĆ¼es Pluviocloacales en el Radio Antiguo de Rosario y la Renegociacion con APSF SA. Parte II: RevisiĆ³n del Informe Estudio General Sobre la Capacidad de Drenaje del Sistema Pluviocloacal del Radio Antiguo de Rosario Generado por Aguas Provinciales de Santa Fe. ModelaciĆ³n y DiagnĆ³stico HidrĆ”ulico(UNR Editora, 2000-12) Riccardi, Gerardo A.; Postiglione, RaulĆtem Acceso Abierto CaracterizaciĆ³n Descriptiva y EstadĆstica de Lluvias Registradas en EstaciĆ³n Rosario-Aero en PerĆodo 1986-1998(UNR Editora, 2000-12) Riccardi, Gerardo A.Ćtem Acceso Abierto El gĆ©nero Brucella y su interacciĆ³n con el sistema mononuclear fagocĆtico(Facultad de Veterinaria y Zootecnia-UNAM, 2001-04) Arestegui, Mirta B.; Gualtieri S., Catalina; DomĆnguez, Javier; Scharovsky, O. GracielaNon-specific resistance is a fundamental component of the host immune response. The mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS) is part of innate resistance effector mechanisms, and is involved in several homeostatic, inflammatory and immunologic events. Mononuclear phagocytes (MNP), which are cells belonging to the MPS, play a central role in the main functions of multicellular organisms. Its early interaction with pathogens determines the evolution of the infection. Bacteria, which can resist intracellular death, survive and multiply within the cells of the MPS, are considered endocellular parasites. Brucella genus that infects humans as well as several animal species is an endocellular pathogen. The vast majority of these microorganisms includes mechanisms genetically coded that enable them to invade and to survive within the host cells. In the present review, characteristics of Brucella genus are described; special reference is dedicated to its antigenic composition, virulence factors, as well as its genomic structure and the control of gene expression. Interaction between MPS and Brucella spp, and the effector mechanisms of MNP, mainly, plus the generation of oxygen and nitrogen radicals, the limitation in iron availability and cytokine production are analyzed. The control of infection is explained by cell mediated immunity and the phenomena of natural resistance is also taken into consideration.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Programa de acreditaciĆ³n de servicios de farmacias hospitalarias(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias BioquĆmicas y FarmacĆ©uticas, 2001-04-23) Traverso, MarĆa Luz; Nadalin, MarĆa Elsa; MatĆnez, MarĆa NelidaCalidad en el cuidado de la salud ha sido definida como "el grado en que los servicios de salud brindados al paciente incrementan la probabilidad de obtener los resultados deseados y reducen la probabilidad de resultados no deseados, dentro de un nivel de conocimiento dado. Siendo determinada por muchos comp0onentes, entre ellos accesibilidad, adecuaciĆ³n, continuidad, eficacia, efectividad, eficiencia, perspectivas del paciente, inocuidad y oportunidad de la asistencia". La AcreditaciĆ³n de Establecimientos Asistenciales es de amplia aplicaciĆ³n en los paĆses que cuentan con un Sistema de Salud organizado, ya que permite evaluar los servicios de salud, promover un incremento en la calidad de la atenciĆ³n mĆ©dica y la planificaciĆ³n en salud. En lo referente al Servicio de Farmacia Institucional, en nuestro paĆs la evaluaciĆ³n propuesta hasta el momento es muy limitada, no siendo consideradas las mĆŗltiples actividades que se desarrollan, no permitiendo asĆ un anĆ”lisis completo del servicio; ni tampoco se han desarrollado medidas que sean comparables y vĆ”lidas para poder evaluar la calidad del servicio prestadoā¦Ćtem Acceso Abierto Terapia gĆ©nica: el desafĆo terapĆ©utico del siglo XXI(CĆrculo MĆ©dico de Rosario (Argentina), 2001-07) Scharovsky, O. GracielaLa terapia gĆ©nica es una forma de medicina molecular que probablemente tendrĆ” un gran impacto en la salud humana a lo largo del siglo XXI. Tiene como objetivo modificar o reparar una alteraciĆ³n genĆ©tica adquirida, corregir un error gĆ©nico de nacimiento o dotar a una cĆ©lula con una nueva funciĆ³n. Los avances recientes de la BiologĆa Molecular y de la tecnologĆa del ADN recombinante han hecho posible el desarrollo de este tipo de enfoque terapĆ©utico. Esta novedosa metodologĆa puede llegar a tener profundas implicancias en la forma en que se traten las enfermedades en el futuro. Se describen los distintos tipos de terapia gĆ©nica que se estĆ”n desarrollando en la actualidad, los requisitos que se deben cumplir para poder aplicarlos eficientemente, las desventajas de cada mĆ©todo, los genes mĆ”s comĆŗnmente transducidos y sus vĆas de administraciĆ³n. TambiĆ©n se analizan las patologĆas hereditarias o adquiridas que son susceptibles de ser tratadas con terapia gĆ©nica, tales como enfermedades neoplĆ”sicas, infecciosas, del sistema inmune o que afectan a diferentes Ć³rganos, asĆ como las distintas estrategias implementadas para llevarla a cabo.Ćtem Acceso Abierto AntropologĆa y polĆticas educativas interculturales (notas sobre nuestro quehacer en contextos de desigualdad social)(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Centro de Estudios Sobre Diversidad Cultural, 2001-12) Achilli, Elena LibiaĆtem Acceso Abierto A Quasi-2D Hydro-Morphological Mathematical Model: An Application to the Argentinean ParanĆ” River(IRTCES-International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation. Beijing. China., 2002) Basile, Pedro A.; Riccardi, Gerardo AdriĆ”nĆtem Acceso Abierto Differential production of angiostatin by concomitant antitumoral resistance-inducing cancer cells(Wiley, 2002-05-02) Binda, MarĆa Mercedes; Matar, Pablo; GonzĆ”lez, Alejandro D.; Rozados, Viviana R.; Gervasoni, Silvia I.; Scharovsky, O. Graciela; Bonfil, R. DanielThe phenomenon by which tumor-bearing hosts are capable of inhibiting secondary tumor implants or metastases, known as concomitant antitumoral resistance (CAR), is presumably due to antiangiogenesis at places distant from the primary tumor. Although angiostatin, a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis, has been reported to be one of the factors responsible for suppressing the growth of secondary tumors in mice bearing previous tumors, it has not been definitively proven yet. With the aim of investigating whether CAR-inducing cancer cells display a differential angiostatin production and to support the role ascribed to that molecule concerning the inhibition of secondary tumor implants, 5 tumor models with different CAR-inducing capacities were studied herein. One of the 2 human lung cancer cell lines analyzed revealed a strong CAR against secondary s.c. tumor implants in nude mice, and 2 of 3 of the murine mammary tumors used exhibited inhibitory effect on secondary s.c. and i.v. tumor inoculations in syngeneic hosts. Since angiostatin is a proteolytic fragment from plasminogen, we examined by Western blot the ability of all conditioned media collected from the tumor cells studied to convert plasminogen to angiostatin. An association between in vivo generation of CAR and in vitro conversion of plasminogen into angiostatin was found. Since different enzymatic mechanisms were described to explain the generation of angiostatin, we also studied gelatinase and urokinase-type plasminogen activator secretion in conditioned media by zymography. The conversion of plasminogen into angiostatin by conditioned media was mainly inhibited by broad-spectrum serine proteinase inhibitors, suggesting a possible role for 1 or more enzymes of that group in the process. These findings suggest the existence of a differential angiostatin generation by CAR-inducing cancer cells, providing additional support to previous data obtained by other authors.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Hsp25 and Hsp70 in rodent tumors treated with doxorubicin and lovastatin(Springer, 2003-01) Ciocca, Daniel R.; Rozados, Viviana R.; Cuello CarriĆ³n, F. DarĆo; Gervasoni, Silvia I.; Matar, Pablo; Scharovsky, O. GracielaHeat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) and Hsp70 have been involved in resistance to anticancer drugs in human breast cancer cells growing in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we examined the expression of Hsp25 (the rodent homologue to human Hsp27) and Hsp70 in 3 different rodent tumors (a mouse breast carcinoma, a rat sarcoma, and a rat lymphoma maintained by subcutaneous passages) treated in vivo with doxorubicin (DOX) and lovastatin (LOV). All tumors showed massive cell death under control untreated conditions, and this massive death increased after cytotoxic drug administration. In this study, we show that this death was due to classic apoptosis. The tumors also showed isolated apoptotic cells between viable tumor cells, and this occurred more significantly in the lymphoma. The tumor type that was more resistant to cell death was the sarcoma, and this was found in sarcomas growing both under control conditions and after cytotoxic drug administration. Moreover, sarcomas showed the highest expression levels of Hsp25 in the viable tumor cells growing under untreated conditions, and these levels increased after DOX and LOV administration. After drug treatment, only sarcoma tumor cells showed a significant increase in Hsp70. In other words, sarcomas were the tumors with lower cell death, displayed a competent Hsp70 and Hsp25 response with nuclear translocation, and had the highest levels of Hsp25. In sarcomas, Hsp25 and Hsp70 were found in viable tumor cells located around the blood vessels, and these areas showed the most resistant tumor cell phenotype after chemotherapy. In addition, Hsp25 expression was found in endothelial cells as unique feature revealed only in lymphomas. In conclusion, our study shows that each tumor type has unique features regarding the expression of Hsp25 and Hsp70 and that these proteins seem to be implicated in drug resistance mainly in sarcomas, making these model systems important to perform more mechanistic studies on the role of Hsps in resistance to certain cytotoxic drugs.Ćtem Acceso Abierto Metronomic therapy with cyclophosphamide induces rat lymphoma and sarcoma regression, and is devoid of toxicity(Oxford University Press, 2004-10) Rozados, Viviana R.; SĆ”nchez, Andrea M.; Gervasoni, Silvia I.; Berra, HĆ©ctor H.; Matar, Pablo; Scharovsky, O. GracielaBACKGROUND: Our aim was to investigate the clinical efficacy and toxicity of metronomic administration of low-dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) in lymphoma and sarcoma rat tumour models. METHODS: Adult inbred rats were challenged with lymphoma TACB and sarcoma E100 s.c. on day 0. Animals were divided into two groups: group I, control, injected with saline three times a week; and group II, treated with Cy 10 mg/kg three times a week, from day 10 until the tumour was non-palpable, or 5 mg/kg three times a week from day 7. Tumours were measured and animals were weighed twice weekly. Periodic blood samples were taken for determination of urea, creatinine, serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase and haematological parameters. RESULTS: The administration of low-dose Cy eradicated established rat lymphomas and sarcomas; there was neither metastatic growth nor recurrence at primary sites for 100% of the lymphomas and 83% of the sarcomas. In addition, the treatment did not cause weight loss, and was devoid of haematological, cardiac, hepatic and renal toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: Metronomic administration of Cy at low doses on a thrice weekly schedule to already grown rat lymphomas and sarcomas demonstrated itself to be a successful antitumour therapy that did not cause weight loss and was devoid of haematological, cardiac, hepatic and renal toxicity.Ćtem Acceso Abierto De la inmunovigilancia al escape tumoral: Historia de un enemigo con mĆŗltiples estrategias de resistencia y contra-ataque(Sociedad EspaƱola de InmunologĆa, 2006-04) Scharovsky, O. Graciela; Matar, Pablo; ZacarĆas Fluck, Mariano; Rico, MarĆa JosĆ©; Rabinovich, Gabriel A.Tumors must circumvent the immune response of the host to become clinically detectable. For this purpose, malignant cells have devised multiple strategies to thwart immune attack. These mechanisms are suggested to conspire in advanced stages of cancer to limit the ability of the immune system to restrain the tumor and the effectiveness of immunotherapy strategies to successfully eradicate malignant cells. From tumor biology to cancer immunotherapy and back again, we will summarize here some of the most important mechanisms used by tumors to evade the immune response and their potential impact in the design of cancer immunotherapy strategies.